Search by Street

You can locate a street on the map by entering the street name.

To locate a street

  1. Perform a Property Search by Map.
  2. From the displayed search results, select the Search by Street button on the Map Toolbar.
    1. Tip: Use the zoom in Zoom In and zoom out Zoom Out buttons on the slider to zoom in or out of the map.
    2. The Find Streets window opens.
  3. Enter the street name.
  4. Select the Find Streets button.
    1. The search results will appear in the Select Street to Display pane.
  5. Select the desired street from the list.
  6. Select the Display button.
    1. The street displays in the center of the map.
    2. Note: The scale of the Map may change as a result of this search
  7. Select the Close button.