Area and Distance Measurement

Select an area on the map to calculate the distance or area.

  1. Perform a Property Search by Map.
  2. From the map search results, zoom in to the desired area on the map.
    1. Tip: Use the zoom in Zoom In button and zoom out Zoom out button buttons on the slider to zoom in or out of the map.
  3. From the map toolbar, select the Measurement button.
    1. The measurements window opens.
  4. Select the Area Button button in the top left corner.
  5. Using the drop-down list on the right, select the preferred unit of measure.
  6. Select the starting point for the area you would like to measure by selecting on the map.
  7. Move the cursor to the next point for your area, and select that spot, then the next, until you have four corners selected.
  8. Double-click on your final measure point to calculate the result.
    1. The area measurement will display under Measurement Result in the window.
  9. Select the Measurement button to close the tool.
  1. Perform a Property Search by Map.
  2. From the map search results, zoom in to the desired area of the map.
    1. Tip: Use the zoom in Zoom In button and zoom out Zoom out button buttons on the slider to zoom in or out of the map.
  3. From the map toolbar, select the Measurement button.
    1. The measurements window opens.
  4. Select the  button.
  5. Using the drop-down list on the right, select the preferred unit of measure.
  6. Select the starting point for the distance you would like to measure on the map.
    1. A green flag appears.
  7. Double-click on your final measure point to calculate the result.
    1. A green flag appears.
    2. The distance will be displayed under Measurement Result in the dialogue box.
  8. Select the Measurement button to close the tool.