About OnLand (5)
What are the search hours for OnLand?
What are the recommended browser and screen reader combinations for OnLand?
Where can I get a copy of my survey?
What is a Land Registry Office? Why do I have to select one?
Documents (6)
How can I find a lien on my property?
How can I preview a plan without buying it?
I can’t find Evidence in the Document Search. Can you help?
Historical Books (9)
How do I download more than 20 pages of a Historical Book without repeating my search?
What if a page is missing from a Historical Book?
What’s the difference between Searching and Browsing?
How can I improve my Historical Books search results?
What if the page I am viewing is illegible or difficult to read?
What information do I need to search an Abstract/Parcel Register book in Historical Books?
Payment and Pricing (5)
What is Verified by Visa / MasterCard SecureCode?
How can I add a credit card to my OnLand account?
What’s the difference between a Digital Download and a Physical Copy?