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How can I improve my Historical Books search results?


Enter Property Description Details

If you are searching for an Abstract or Parcel Register, you can enter the concession, plan, section, condo, or parcel number by selecting the detail from the Property Description drop-down list, and entering the corresponding geographic information in the accompanying text field.

Additional fields will open, if available, where you can enter more precise geographical details (For example, if you select Plan in the Property Description drop-down list, the fields will open up to allow you to enter the Plan and Lot numbers).

Thumbnail Abbreviations (EN/FR)

  • Concession – a surveyed geographic which creates geographic fabric within a township
  • Plan (Plan of Subdivision) – a surveyed area of land which may create new lots, blocks, widenings and streets registered as a plan of subdivision
  • Section – a land titles filing system. A parcel and section has been assigned to each listed Land Titles ownership
  • Parcel – a quantity of land identified for abstract purposes
  • Condo – a plan creating units for each level of a condominium

Filter by Township/Municipality

To limit your search to a township or municipality, on the search results screen, from the Filter by option in the top right hand corner, select the township or municipality.

Add Other Information

In the Other Information field, you can enter any relevant keywords related to the Book Category selected from the drop-down list to limit your search results. These keywords will appear in the Description/Comments column.

Remove search criteria

Try entering fewer details (i.e. remove the secondary geographical description information and make your search more general – if you entered Lot 10, Concession 7, and no search results were returned, try just Lot 10).

Try Browsing

If you still get no results when you remove search criteria, try selecting the Browse Books tab, where you can browse through all the Historical Books entries.