
Manage your passwords, payment methods, contact and delivery information, and view your OnLand order history. 

Create Account

  1. From the Home page menu, select Login/Register.
    1. The Login page displays. 
  2. Select Create Account.
    1. The Create Account page displays.
  3. Complete the form fields and select I accept the Terms of Service.
  4. Select Create Account.
    1. Your account is created.  

Change Password

  1. Log into OnLand, and select your name in the menu.
  2. From the drop-down list, select Change Password.
    1. The Change Password page displays.
  3. Enter the current password, then enter the new one, and confirm the new password.
  4. Select the Change Password button.

Edit User Profile

  1. Log into OnLand, and select your name in the menu.
  2. From the drop-down list, select Edit Profile.
    1. The User Profile page displays.
  3. Select the Edit Profile button.
  4. Change your personal details as needed.
  5. Select the Update Profile button.

Order History

  1. Log into OnLand, and select your name in the menu.
  2. From the drop-down list, select Order History.
    1. The Order History page displays.
  3. To define the period of your order history, from the Date option, select Last 30 Days, Last 60 Days, or Custom Date, and select the date range, and select Apply.
    1. Your order history displays.
  4. To filter the transactions by Payment Type, select your preference in the Payment Type drop-down list.
  • To generate a CSV file detailed view, select CSV. The file is downloaded to your PC. Save or print it as you normally would. 
  • To print your Order History, select Printable View, and print the page as you normally would. 

Payment Methods

  1. Log into OnLand, and select your name in the menu.
  2. From the drop-down list, select Payment Methods.
    1. The Payment Methods page displays.
  3. Next to the desired payment method, select Delete.
    1. A confirmation message displays.
  4. Select Delete to delete the card. 
    1. The card is deleted.

Notifications and Plan Preview

  1. Log into OnLand, and select your name in the menu.
  2. From the drop-down list, select Notifications and Plan Preview.
    1. The Notifications and Plan Preview page displays.
  3. Change your Notification Language Preference as needed.
  4. Select Update Preferences.